Continuing to support the Palestinian cause

23:2311/04/2024, Thursday
Selçuk Türkyılmaz

The Palestinian cause has found resonance beyond governments in Türkiye. The activities of Bakû conqueror Nuri Pasha during the early years of the Republic are no longer shrouded in darkness as before. While we may not fully know the truths awaiting exposure, it's known that some of the weapons produced in the Sütlüce factory were sent to Palestine. The support of Nuri Pasha, the Commander of the Caucasian Islamic Army, was not limited to Palestine alone. There were also connections between Pasha's

The Palestinian cause has found resonance beyond governments in Türkiye. The activities of Bakû conqueror Nuri Pasha during the early years of the Republic are no longer shrouded in darkness as before. While we may not fully know the truths awaiting exposure, it's known that some of the weapons produced in the Sütlüce factory were sent to Palestine. The support of Nuri Pasha, the Commander of the Caucasian Islamic Army, was not limited to Palestine alone. There were also connections between Pasha's arms factory and resistance groups in North African countries. However, the factory in Sütlüce became unusable after a major explosion in 1949, resulting in Nuri Pasha's martyrdom. The veil of mystery over the explosion remains, but this event has left deep scars on our political history. It would have been preferable if a film had been made focusing solely on this explosion. It seems to me that in the film we are discussing, the consequences of the abolition of the arms factory would be much more intriguing than the mystery surrounding the explosion itself.

There is undoubtedly a need for a film about the February 28th period for similar reasons. With the establishment of the US military presence in Iraq, the foundations of a new colonial structure, which we now describe as a terrorist state right on the southern borders of Türkiye, were laid. Considering the region's political dynamics influenced by the policies of the US, UK, and Israel during the 1990s could provide valuable insights. It is known that during the early 1990s, FETÖ schools were established in areas under the influence of the US and UK, and these schools gradually spread. During the same period, FETÖ members developed relations with Israel and even boasted of opening schools in Tel Aviv. They were not victims of the February 28th process; on the contrary, they were monsters that benefited from the developments during that period. In this film, it is crucial to depict Israel's spheres of influence. Therefore, a film focusing on the 28th February period in a manner different from conventional conspiracy theories would be truly enlightening.

Portraying the political engagements of individuals and groups who developed a new understanding based on the presence of countries like the US, UK, and Israel in the region, including identity politics, on screen would undoubtedly be a much more authentic artistic endeavor than the blind opposition between secular circles who have placed lifestyle at the center of their ideological identity and conservative right-wing groups. Those hoping to derive a vision for the future from such opposition between secular conservatives and ideologically centered lifestyle circles are sorely mistaken. Such opposition would only trap Türkiye in a vicious cycle. Unfortunately, this vicious cycle often emerges, and from platforms like Karar newspaper, which aligns itself with conservative liberal circles, anti-Israel post-truth positions can be produced. The source of the conservative anger we frequently hear about today has been nourished from this source, even if a deaf sultan could hear it.

But can those swept away by the flood hear and understand? I highly doubt it. To go beyond the boundaries and cast shadows over long-term regional policies by recognizing the difficulties of international politics in real-time and even devaluing them requires significant action. Until recently, circles accusing President Erdoğan of supporting Hamas and the Palestinian cause quickly shifted the focus to Türkiye's trade with Israel, detached from reality. This shift can only be explained through a "conspiracy theory" film because it requires revealing their network of relationships and interactions in real-time. This, in turn, would involve portraying breathtaking tensions on screen. Just a few years ago, it wasn't necessary to sift through archives to find out who stood where on Hamas, the Palestinian cause, and Erdoğan. Merely looking back a few years would reveal everything. Therefore, while showing the significant change that has taken place today, it would inject a considerable amount of excitement. It is undoubtedly these elements that turn a film into a spectacle.

The consequences of disconnecting Israel's crimes against humanity in Gaza and the historical Palestinian cause from reality will eventually reveal which networks of relationships are being referred to. Moreover, Türkiye will continue to support the Palestinian cause today as it did in the past, rendering temporary identities obsolete.
