Europeans' Fear of the US and the UK

We, along with the rest of the world, have been observing the pressure exerted on members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) by Israel and the United States. It seems that the UK is also displeased with the decisions made by members of these courts and has resorted to threats against them as well. Particularly, the threats from the US and the UK are of greater significance than those from Israel. Israel’s threats are more overt, showing they are willing to engage in all sorts of disgraceful actions. However, the behavior of the UK and US in this regard is no less reprehensible. Yet, when it comes to interpreting the actions of representatives from these two countries, many struggle to provide a clear explanation. This is because these nations were the architects of the post-World War II system, which now appears to be crumbling. This underscores the significance of these events.

The visible differences between the period before and after the Gaza conflict highlight that concepts like "contradiction," often used by "others," have lost their relevance. When it's stated that the ICC was established primarily for Russia and African countries, it becomes clear that the current situation cannot be adequately described by the term "contradiction." Instead, the colonial and imperial nature of these institutions needs to be accurately identified.

The moves by Spain, Ireland, and Norway to recognize Palestine are developments that fall outside traditional norms, similar to the decisions made by international court members. These three countries simultaneously announced their intention to recognize Palestine as a state with territorial integrity. Until recently, such a decision and its announcement to the world would have been unimaginable. Naturally, this raises the question of what common characteristic brings Spain, Ireland, and Norway together. Additionally, other European countries are now considering recognizing Palestine. From the outset, it's clear that reducing these developments to mere opposition to Europe and the US would be overly simplistic. However, there's no doubt that the UK, the US, and Israel clearly belong to the same category. Germany appears quite eager to support this alliance, while France is still clarifying its stance.

No one expected that Gazans, and Palestinians in general, would resist against Israel, the US, and the UK, challenging established norms. European countries, inspired by Gazans, have started to shed their fears. This situation necessitates abandoning meaningless concepts like contradiction. Instead, fear becomes a more illuminating concept. The US, Israel, and the UK have collectively instilled fear in many countries.

An interesting example can be cited. On May 20, 1948, the United Nations appointed Count Folke Bernadotte to report on the settler-colonialist Zionist immigrants. In his first report, Bernadotte wrote: "Preventing the return of Arab refugees who have been rooted in this land for centuries while immigrant Jews flood into Palestine and constantly threaten to replace these innocent victims of the conflict would trample even the most basic principles." Shortly after this report, Count Folke Bernadotte and his French assistant, Colonel Serot, were assassinated by Israeli terrorist organizations. Citing more such incidents is important, but here we'll mention just a few. For example, British Minister of State for Colonial Affairs Lord Moyne was assassinated in Cairo two years after stating in the House of Lords on June 9, 1942, that Jews were not descendants of the ancient Hebrews and had no legal right to the Holy Land. The attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli aircraft in 1967 should also be viewed in this context. The US, UK, and Israel have silenced both European representatives and "dissidents" within the US and the UK.

After World War II, the US established dominance over Europe through blatant assassinations. The identities of the murdered individuals indicate a deliberate attempt to instill fear in Europe. This period continued until October 7. In fact, Palestinians have lifted the fear of the US and the UK from the entire world. When Spain's Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz announced the decision to recognize Palestine, saying "Free Palestine from the river to the sea," it signaled the end of this era of fear.

#Oct. 7
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Europeans' Fear of the US and the UK
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