A world without Türkiye is unimaginable!

It all started after the end of the Cold War: in the first quarter of the 20th century, the Ottoman Empire had been stopped. Western imperialist powers had believed that everything had ended with the stopping of the Ottoman Empire.

However, by the end of the 20th century, it was realized that nothing had actually ended, but instead was about to start anew: from Morocco to Malaysia, Islam had become the sole intellectual, cultural, and political resistance and revival source of the Islamic world. This could mean the resurgence of Islam onto the stage of history.


If the arrival of Islam couldn't be stopped, this resistance and revival movement could turn into a new civilization push, and this could potentially undermine the Western hegemony in the world. That's why measures had to be taken.

Measures were taken: a strategy to fight terrorism was developed. And it was done by NATO. Islam was demonized by being equated with terrorism and brutality. An evil, terrifying demon was created and Islam was pushed out of history; Muslim societies were first made to hate Islam and then gradually distanced from it.

For this purpose, terrorist organizations were first created, Islam was equated with these terrorist organizations, and then the spread of Islam, which was rapidly growing in the world, especially in the Western world, was stopped, and Muslim societies were dragged into a process of distancing from Islam.

The Westerners would kill two birds with one stone: the arrival and rise of Islam would be prevented and they would construct their identities through Islam, which was otherized and demonized. What a diabolical strategy, isn't it?


Yesterday, about half a century ago, the evil invention strategy of demonizing was carried out. Today, it is being carried out through Türkiye, especially through Erdogan!

Islamophobia was not enough, then Turkophobia was created!

Why did the Westerners fixate on Erdogan, and through him, on Türkiye?

Why were Turkish embassies specifically targeted when Qurans were being burned in Western capitals?

The reason is quite clear: the Ottoman Empire is the worst nightmare of Westerners! That's why they portray Erdogan as "authoritarian," "strong," and as a "new Ottoman sultan"!

By triggering historical and cultural subconscious, they know very well that the real enemy is Turks, that Turks made Europe tremble with the Ottoman Empire, that the resurgence of Turks would be a "disaster" for Europe and that it would "shake" the hegemony of Europe and the West in general over the world.

Why do Westerners target Türkiye?

The British magazine The Economist, the French Le Point, and the German Der Spiegel declare Erdogan a "dictator", demonizing Türkiye and putting it in the crosshairs!

Why is that?

Westerners are not afraid of Russians or Chinese! They are afraid of Türkiye! Because Türkiye is what is expected! They are afraid of the children of the Ottoman Empire! They fear the possibility of the Ottoman Empire's children returning to the historical stage and embarking on a journey towards a truth-based civilization that will establish justice on earth!

We established the first and last true global civilization experience that grants the right to life to everyone in the world.

As the Ottoman Empire, we established the true global civilization experience that contacts all civilizations, learns from all civilizations, passes through the filter of revelation, and grants the right to life to all religions, cultures, and differences. For example, we named one of the largest cities we conquered in Europe, Belgrade, Dârüsselâm /City of Peace.

We will again establish the civilization experience where justice, equity, peace, and safety prevail in the world, where everyone can live together peacefully as themselves and with humanity - if we prepare well...

In summary, Westerners did not grant the right to life to other cultures; they only destroyed them and turned the world into a living hell. We, on the other hand, both built a new, fair world and revived other cultures.

What happened yesterday is the harbinger of what will happen tomorrow.

Can a world be established without Türkiye?

A world cannot be established without Türkiye.

They stopped the Ottomans and the world lost its soul, and the world turned into a hell. The reason why the problems of the world and our geography have turned into a gangrene is because the void left by the Ottomans could not be filled. The regional and global problems we are experiencing and cannot seem to resolve are caused by the problems resulting from the failure to end the Ottomans.

We will fill the void left by the Ottomans. Therefore, every major step we take, such as the opening of Hagia Sophia, the advancement of the defense industry, and the introduction of a local car to the world market, is perceived as a challenge that has the potential to shake their hegemony by imperialists!

More importantly, our development will serve as a deciphering function that will enable justice, law, fairness, and peace to prevail in the world and show how the Westerners turned the world into a hell. This is what scares the imperialists!

I am not talking about an abstract, visionary concept here. A Türkiye that is fighting on all fronts simultaneously, both in the south and north, east and west, is enough to scare the Westerners: there is now a Türkiye that stops the Russians and Western imperialists in the Black Sea by making the Armenians who are bleeding in Karabakh and the terrorists that they unleash on us in Syria and Iraq ineffective while using the Blue Homeland concept in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya.

All of this is a harbinger of the transition from a Türkiye that receives orders to a Türkiye that sets the rules of the game again! That is why they are uncomfortable with Türkiye! The British, the French, the Germans, and the Americans! These are the imperialists who have been sucking the world's blood for centuries!

It has been understood that a livable world cannot be established without Türkiye.

When we come, they/the Westerners will leave this region.

Their only concern is that we do not arrive at all.

That is why they are attacking Türkiye. But this time, they will not be able to prevent Türkiye's development and the gradual construction of the Turkish Century, and they will be the ones to leave the region...

#Ottoman Empire
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