The July 15th resistance is a milestone that broke a two-century-long siege...

18:3816/07/2023, Sunday
Yusuf Kaplan

This country was not invaded from the outside; it was captured from within. While it was not colonized in practice, it was mentally occupied by Westernizers. For this reason, it faced coup after coup from within, from those inside, from the "Irish within us." First, the infiltrators infiltrated the state, and then the nation. Türkiye's recent history, the history of modernization, is a history of betrayals. This is very clear! The history of parallel coups... In this article, I will write about

This country was not invaded from the outside; it was captured from within. While it was not colonized in practice, it was mentally occupied by Westernizers.

For this reason, it faced coup after coup from within, from those inside, from the "Irish within us."

First, the infiltrators infiltrated the state, and then the nation.

Türkiye's recent history, the history of modernization, is a history of betrayals. This is very clear!

The history of parallel coups...

In this article, I will write about the troubling story of how the state was colonized first and then the people, a story that has tragic and occasionally tragicomic dimensions...


Our recent history, our two-century-long adventure of modernization, is a history of coups. The Gülhane Hatt-ı Hümayun of 1839 was a parallel state coup against the nation (and against the state itself): Âli Pasha, Fuat Pasha, and Reşit Pasha, a member of the London Masonic Lodge and a lackey of the British, committed a betrayal by disconnecting the government from its orbit and placing it under British guidance and even control.

They were clearly acting as lackeys for the British. And that Reşit Pasha! The British lackeys recorded this despicable man as "Great Reşit Pasha"! Our recent history is also the history of giants being turned into dwarfs and dwarfs being made into giants.

With the Tanzimat, the British took control of the state through their puppets and weakened the Ottoman Empire economically and politically to the extent that it became a semi-colony. They carried out another parallel coup in 1856. They called the 1908 coup a "revolution." They named it the "Young Turk Revolution."

From 1839 to the 1997 February 28th and the 2016 July 15th coups, the overwhelming majority of those who attempted more than ten coups in the country were devshirme types (individuals of non-Turkish origin).

While all organizations were established in Istanbul, why was the Committee of Union and Progress established in Thessaloniki? What message was this sending? If it was not a challenge to Istanbul, the capital, and the caliphate, then what was it?

As you can see, the roots of the July 15th coup and invasion attempt go back exactly two centuries...

In summary... The Tanzimat is a story of both capturing the state and mentally colonizing the people. The "heroes" of this story are the lackeys of the Westerners, the devshirme children of this country!


The state was handed over to the Westerners by imperialist satellites. The Ottoman population was devastated. Contrary to the lies of official history, the Sultan was not an enemy of the people but, on the contrary, the only actor the people trusted in the state. The Sultan stood with the people and breathed for the well-being and prosperity of the people. The people also trusted the Sultan. That is why Sultan Abdulhamid II had established his throne in the hearts of the people before the capital.

The British mentally took over the Ottoman elitocracy with empty slogans such as freedom and constitutionalism, and physically assimilated them through Masonic-baronic networks and gangs, turning them into lackeys of the British empire.

Just imagine, starting from the 1820s, missionary schools were opened in every corner of the Ottoman territory. These were not just ordinary schools. They were solid schools. They used the newest and most powerful educational techniques, trained the most loyal individuals, in short, they groomed individuals for imperialism.

From Beirut to Cairo, from Tripolitania to Yemen, and of course, in all major Anatolian cities, these individuals who would later organize coups, ultimately leading to the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire and the shaping of modern, secular Türkiye, played crucial roles. They were the devshirme and their subordinates (the Westernizers, Westernized elites, Westernized intellectuals) in the colonized regions controlled by imperialists.

The devshirme who emerged from the missionary schools opened in every corner of Anatolia, from Talas in Kayseri to Tarsus in Adana, from Merzifon in Amasya to Harput in Elazig, played a decisive role in the Westernization of this society without fighting against Westerners, in drying up the Islamic roots of culture, education, thought, and art life. They made the country a decoration for imperialists from within without the need for actual occupation by imperialists!


In summary... This society has been experiencing a double siege for two centuries: on the one hand, the state is being captured by the Westernizers, controlled by the devshirme and their subordinates. On the other hand, the people, the children of the nation, are being alienated from their spiritual roots, values, and beliefs, and are even being turned into enemies of their country, values, and beliefs!

As the poet said, "Even if the wolf cannot be a shepherd, it can be a king to the lambs," right?

With the state (the ceiling) and the people (the base) being encompassed by this division, Türkiye became more susceptible to coups. The resistance on July 15th is recorded in history as an attempt to break this double siege. It marked the milestone of an epic resistance against those who attempted to mortgage the will of the people for the first time.

Yes, July 15 is a milestone... It is a saga of resistance where the people resisted the coups imposed on them since 1839. It is a solid Ottoman slap given to imperialists and their lackeys.

#July 15