Türkiye's fate is at stake: either an axis or a puppet!

Today, elections are being in Türkiye.

Both presidential and parliamentary elections.

One of the most critical elections in our history.

Türkiye's fateful election.


Türkiye lost its direction with the Tanzimat, and its orbit with the Meşrûtiyet and the Republic. For the last half-century, it has been facing the danger of losing its spirit.

That's one side of the coin...

On the other side of the coin, there is the official Türkiye that resists and rises: a new Türkiye that tries to form an axis, gathering itself, standing up, and rising from its ashes.

For this reason, it is necessary to reconstruct the state from scratch, free it from "devshirme" officials working for the global system, reshape the oligarchic bureaucracy, redefine Türkiye's internal and external priorities, and most importantly, raise a rooted intelligentsia that will open up the way for the country in every field. This intelligentsia should absorb both Islam, our civilization, and our spirit, as well as being knowledgeable about the era and the world, and belong to a strong, self-confident, pioneering generation.

In other words, it is essential to prepare a considerable, assertive leading generation that will equip Türkiye with the spirit of the history builders that have dominated its destiny for a thousand years (making it possible for us to make world history) and rebuild its future with the same spirit, by freeing the state from the domination of imperialists and their extensions, and preparing a qualified and ambitious leading generation.

Only then can Türkiye find the direction it has lost for two centuries, regain its orbit, and become an axis with its claims of civilization, aiming at the 2053 and 2071 goals, starting in the medium term (25-30 years) in our region, and in the long term (50-60 years) globally.


The Westerners developed their century-old strategies to stop Türkiye's development, its march towards an Islamic orbit, and if possible, to bring it to its knees. For example, the Eastern Question of the British is a strategy that aims to keep Islam away from history by fragmenting the Ottoman Empire and preventing Türkiye from returning to an Islamic orbit, and is largely successful.

Let us also know that the French, Germans, Americans who dominate Israel and Jews have great and dangerous strategies to prevent Türkiye from making a historical march towards a new civilization.

Imperialists have a strong need for such projects and strategies.

When we come, they will go away.

When we come, colonial, evil systems and vile calculations will collapse.

The fundamental strategy of the Westerners is not to stop Iran or control the region's oil reserves. The main strategy of the Westerners is to stop Türkiye, which can decide to start the march of civilization from where it left off, which is why they aim to stop Türkiye, which will revive from its ashes, grow strategically for now, and aim to reestablish the region.

We cannot turn a blind eye to the danger of Türkiye's fragmentation!

The threat to Türkiye's historical progress, although originating from external sources, is a threat that has been activated from within and cannot be ignored: Türkiye is facing the danger of losing both its identity and claims to civilization, which have influenced the world's history for a thousand years, as well as the danger of fragmentation.

Türkiye's struggle for independence and future is a life-or-death struggle, a fateful choice.

Türkiye is being forcibly pushed towards a terrifying option where terrorists can run amok, and the society will be in a state of unrest and lack of peace, facing the danger of fragmentation for the first time, due to external intervention by imperialists and internal actors enticed by promises of power, in a tempting way.

This nation will never give any credence to gangs that play with the country's fate through promises of power, tape operations, and social media operations!

The Turkish society will act with its foresight and sagacity, and will never allow a disaster that will lead to the brink of chaos and fragmentation in the country!

In a nutshell: This election will be a fateful choice for Türkiye. Not only for our country, but also for the future of our region and even the world.

#May 14
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