Did this famous US actress embrace Islam? Social media divided following hijab post

14:504/05/2021, Tuesday
U: 4/05/2021, Tuesday
Yeni Şafak
Famous American actress dons hijab yet again, stirring discussions on her faith
Famous American actress dons hijab yet again, stirring discussions on her faith

Hollywood star Jada Pinkett Smith, who shared snaps of herself clad in a hijab on the very first day of the holy Islamic month of Ramadan, is making the rounds on Instagram after posting yet another picture of herself in Muslim attire on Orthodox Easter Day, sparking a lengthy discussion among social media users on wheather she embraced the “religion of peace” or not. 

Sitting in “Tashahhud,” a prayer position and donning a hijab and an abaya, traditional attire worn by some Muslim women, the 49-year-old actress wished her more than 10 million followers and fans on Instagram a "Happy Sunday."

Her post  generated thousands of comments and likes in less than 24 hours on Sunday.

"I am still not over your first picture of hijab, and now this," one of  her fans commented with a heart emoji.

"Did you embarce Islam?" and "Are you a Muslim?" were among the questions directed at the actress. 

Many also showered Jada with compliments, hailing her look: “Wow. Stunning,” said Mona Haydar, a Muslim-American rapper.

Four years ago, Jada had denied being affiliated with any religion, underscoring that she practices human kindness.

“I have prayed in mosques all over the world… but I am not a Muslim. I have read the Bhagavad Gita… but I am not a Hindu. I have chanted and meditated in some of the most magnificent temples on earth… but I am not a Buddhist,” she said in an interview in 2017, denying allegations of being a practitioner of scientology.

# Jada Pinkett Smith