Turkish police discover link between PKK, Daesh terror groups

Ersin Çelik
13:2522/09/2018, Cumartesi
U: 22/09/2018, Cumartesi
Yeni Şafak
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Security forces detain Daesh suspect who carried explosives from Syria to PKK terrorists in Turkey

After months of surveillance, Turkish security forces on Friday arrested Daesh terrorist Mohamed al Celul, who delivered explosives from the Syria to Turkey for the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) to carry out terror attacks across the country.

Security units seized 280 kilograms of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) explosives, which were accumulated over the last eight months, after digging up the basement floor of the suspect’s relatives’ house.

PKK-Daesh terror alliance

After lengthy surveillance process, police unveiled that many PKK terrorists visited the house where the explosives were stored multiple times, indicating the terror link between Daesh and the PKK.

Some arrested PKK terrorists recently confessed that they use Daesh terrorists to transport weapons and explosives, which led Turkish counter-terrorism forces to search for the links between the two terror groups.

Explosives and weapons transported via underground tunnels

Specialized anti-terrorism units revealed that Celul was burying the explosives in the basement of his relative’s houses and had been passing through the Turkey-Syria border periodically to avoid drawing attention through legal procedures.

The suspect carried Daesh’s weapons from Syria’s northeastern Qamishli to Turkey’s Nusaybin town, located near the border, thorough underground tunnels.

“I joined Daesh when it was first founded. I brought my family to Turkey to protect them. I became the terror group’s bomb deliverer. Following orders, I brought PETN explosives to Nusaybin,” Celul said during a police interrogation.


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