Is Iran fighting imperialists or Muslims?

02:2826/05/2024, Sunday
Yusuf Kaplan

Let’s be clear from the start: Throughout history, Iran has always fought against Muslims. In the 12th and 13th centuries, while we were fighting for survival against Mongol hordes from the East and Crusader armies from the West, Iran sided against us, not the infidels. Saladin's first act was to Sunni-ize Al-Azhar, then chase Shia all the way to Tunisia! It sounds unbelievable, but this chilling truth is undeniable. Even now, while they claim to be fighting against infidels, Iran is spilling Muslim

Let’s be clear from the start: Throughout history, Iran has always fought against Muslims. In the 12th and 13th centuries, while we were fighting for survival against Mongol hordes from the East and Crusader armies from the West, Iran sided against us, not the infidels. Saladin's first act was to Sunni-ize Al-Azhar, then chase Shia all the way to Tunisia!

It sounds unbelievable, but this chilling truth is undeniable.

Even now, while they claim to be fighting against infidels, Iran is spilling Muslim blood in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and across the Arabian Peninsula. The situation is even more dire and hypocritical now!


After the so-called Islamic revolution in Iran, the country spread across the Arabian Peninsula in less than half a century, not just strategically but through actual occupation. Supposedly, Iran is labeled as a "rogue state" by Western powers. Meanwhile, Türkiye is a formal member of the Western alliance, fulfilling its obligations to major global Western institutions.

Yet, Türkiye can't make a single move in Iraq and Syria—where the US and Russia have settled and established themselves—without permission from these occupying imperialist nations, even when dealing with terrorist organizations like the PKK, which openly threaten Türkiye. On the other hand, Iran, declared by the West as a "rogue state" and one of its greatest enemies, can occupy any country, overthrow any leader, conduct bloody military operations, and commit incredible massacres without a peep from the global system's imperialist lords who label Iran as an enemy.

The idea that Iran is an enemy of the US because of its imperialism is a complete urban myth and a deceptive lie. Iran's supposed enmity with the US is a devilish strategy to position itself as a victim by drawing the ire of the US.

Iran is not an enemy of the US, nor has the US ever been an enemy of Iran. On the contrary, the US has spotlighted Iran, elevating it to the status of the protector of the oppressed. If the US were truly an enemy of Iran, would it have allowed Iran to establish itself throughout the Arabian Peninsula? Iran occupied the entire Arabian Peninsula right under the US's nose! Iran settled in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the Gulf, and Yemen without a murmur from the US.


It seems that the Iran-Iraq War was orchestrated to crush Sunni Iraq and deal a significant blow to Sunni Islam, centered in Imam Abu Hanifa's homeland. In Sunni Islam’s heartland, Iran's bloodthirsty Hashd al-Shaabi spreads terror!

I'm not promoting sectarianism; I'm pointing out that Shia Iran is engaging in sectarianism and that imperialists are facilitating Iran's rise. This is not just the American imperialists but also the Russian ones. Highlighting that Iran has killed around a million Sunnis in Iraq and Syria since establishing itself there—without a second thought—is not sectarianism.

For nearly half a century, Iran has chanted "Death to America" and "Satan America." These slogans were even heard during the funeral of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash. These slogans are the opium of the Iranian people, designed to have a narcotic effect. It's all a charade!

Do you notice that Iran maintains good relations with both Western alliance member countries and those like Russia and China, which appear to oppose the global system? This is an impressive success, no doubt! But Iran owes this success to its current strategic and geographical position, and the incredible opportunities it has been handed on a golden platter.

Iran holds a doctrinal/strategic/theo-political position capable of splitting the Sunni world in two. The British and the American Zionist establishment, which controls the US, are well aware of Iran's power and have been boosting it for two centuries to shatter the strong Sunni backbone and halt Türkiye and Egypt by occupying Iraq and Syria, and placing Iran and the PKK there.


Iran is not America's enemy; it owes much to America. Its power stems from being branded an enemy by America, thus creating the image of being the sole country challenging the global system.

If Iran were genuinely fighting imperialism, it would support the Uighur Turks, massacred by China for decades, and condemn China. But for Iran, it seems China doesn't exist! Similarly, Russia has spilled much innocent blood in Syria! Has Iran ever condemned Russia? I won't even ask, because Iran and Russia together have massacred Sunni innocents in Syria!

The same goes for the Muslim massacres in India! Why doesn't Iran shout "Death to China! Death to Russia! Death to India!" as it does with America? Why not?

Türkiye, supposedly a member of the Western alliance, has experienced all its coups through NATO, the military arm of this alliance. When I say Americans executed these coups, what comes to mind? Not Jews, I know; at least not until recently. If it's still the same now, you’ve made some progress, oh voluntary Western agents!
