Istanbul summit on Syria dominates Arab, Iranian media

Ersin Çelik
12:3828/10/2018, Pazar
U: 28/10/2018, Pazar
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and French President Emmanuel Macron
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and French President Emmanuel Macron

Four-way summit called for completion of committee to draft Syrian constitution by year-end

The four-nation summit held in Istanbul on the eight-year conflict in Syria commanded wide coverage by media outlets in both the Arab world and Iran.

The summit was attended by the leaders of Turkey, Russia, France and Germany, who expressed their determination to end the bloodshed in war-torn Syria.

The four leaders called for the completion of the constitution committee's process for establishing a Syrian constitution by the end of this year to pave the way for an inclusive and fair election in the country which has borne the brunt of a devastating civil war since 2011.

The Qatar-based Al Jazeera channel underlined the importance of the Istanbul summit’s call for drafting a new constitution in Syria.

"The Istanbul summit leaves Assad's fate in the hands of Syrian people," read a headline in the Saudi-funded Al Arabiya channel.

Syria’s official SANA news agency described the 4-nation summit as “serious and constructive”.

It gave a full coverage to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements, in which he rejected any military solution to the Syrian conflict.

Rudaw TV, which broadcasts from northern Iraq’s Kurdish region, highlighted Erdogan’s statements, in which he vowed to eliminate threats in the east of the Euphrates river.

"Establishing a constitution committee and protecting Syrian territorial integrity," reads a headline on the official IRNA news agency.

The summit also dominated hourly bulletins on the Iranian state television, which highlighted Erdogan’s statements about briefing Iran about the outcomes of the summit and steps to be taken.

The semi-official Mehr news agency also highlighted pledges by Russian President Vladimir Putin of “wiping out terror groups”.

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