Turkey strikes blow to YPG/PKK at home, abroad in Nov

Ersin Çelik
16:023/12/2018, Monday
U: 3/12/2018, Monday
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YPG/PKK terrorist attacks aim to hurt civilians, children and disturb Turkey's peace, tranquility, security

This November Turkish security forces neutralized a total of 170 terrorists, including top figures in the terrorist group YPG/PKK, during operations at home and abroad.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply that the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

The YPG/PKK terrorist attacks sought to target civilians, children, and infants and disturb Turkey’s peace, tranquility, and security.

Between Nov. 1 and 30, three security guards were martyred and six security guards as well as three civilians were wounded in YPG/PKK attacks.

During an operation in various provinces of Turkey into the PKK’s attempts to lure young members to the terror group, 590 suspects -- including former deputy and mayors of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) -- were detained, and 165 of them were jailed.

One of the four terrorists who were neutralized in the rural part of the Lice district in southeast Diyarbakir on Nov. 1 was identified as Ilyas Karakoc, codenamed Baran-Amed-Kino.

Karakoc was on the Interior Ministry’s list of wanted terrorists, with a 300,000 Turkish lira ($57,400) reward on his head.

Selim Demiroglu, codenamed Firat Celi, was neutralized on Nov. 3 in the southeastern Sirnak province.

Terrorist Ali Akbas, codenamed Zinar Amed, who also had a 300,000 Turkish lira ($57,400) reward on his head, was killed in an operation in the eastern Mus province on Nov. 27.

Muhammed Kaya, who martyred Gendarme commander Maj. Arslan Kulaksiz in 2015, was also neutralized in the same operations.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people.

The YPG is its Syrian branch.


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